Copywriting + Marketing Consulting For Professional Service Businesses

Just dropping in to wish you a happy 4th of July!

Sadly, thanks to the pesky coronavirus — forcing beach closures, canceling fireworks displays, and limiting public gatherings — there won’t be much formal celebration.

(Other than the countless illegal fireworks that have been popping off for months now and freaking out everyone’s pets.)

Also, given the current state of affairs in our government, at just about every level, not to mention the man in charge — who’s likely the least presidential leader in the history of our nation — it may not feel like there’s all that much to celebrate.

But the reality is, the spirit of America lies in our foundation: The US Constitution, and the ideals it embodies, were neither contained in nor aspired to in any prior government’s foundation.

The Bill of Rights and the power it has bestowed upon our nation to grow and evolve as a society in a continuous quest to better ourselves is unparalleled in all the world.

Moreover, the pursuit of these ideals has inspired countless democracies, motivating forming nations to strive for the same pinnacle of excellence. Though few have managed to come anywhere near achieving this goal. Further proof of our Constitution’s primacy.

That’s what we should celebrate today. And every day.

On the same coin, among the many protests we should mount to fight the longstanding unjust inherent in our nation, we should also protest a government and society that has lost sight of our foundational ideals.

And demand that We The People and our leaders return to a single-mind focus on the pursuit of achieving these ideals.

What’s the Marketing Lesson Here?

The ideals embodied in our Constitution are intentions. It’s up to us to make those ideals a reality.

Similarly, effective marketing communicates the value of the services your business provides in terms of intentions.

But if you fail to make good on those intentions in the services you actually deliver, you leave your prospects and client in the same position as our citizenry. A disillusioned populace, uncertain of where they stand in a country that’s failed to live up to its promises.