Copywriting + Marketing Consulting For Professional Service Businesses

In my last post, we talked about how the fear of criticism can derail your content marketing efforts.
Specifically, how it’s scary to put yourself out there, all the time wondering: “What if they don’t like me?”
And then we dispelled that fear by pointing out those who”don’t like you” aren’t your ideal prospects anyway. In fact, their often not even legit consumers of your services, but rather professional trolls.
So, now that you know who your marketing content is for, it’s time to understand how different marketing content can be used to foster trust and build relationships on the path to converting prospects into paying customers.
It’s what I like to call the “content marketing hierarchy.”
There are five tiers in this hierarchy, ranging from the least emotionally perilous, to what many would consider completely terrifying, So, here we go…

Tier 1: Text Based Content

This covers blog posts, social media updates, and email campaigns.
Now, to write content and publish it in a public forum as far reaching as the internet can certainly be a frightening proposition.
Your words. Your ideas. Your insights. And if they don’t land, it’s your fault. But it’s just words on virtual page. And you have the vast and wide buffer of cyberspace protecting you.
Plus, text content is a good gateway to usher prospects into your biz near the top of the sales funnel.

Tier 2: Audio Content

This a podcast or any other prerecorded audio content posted online or otherwise distributed for content marketing purposes.
Here again its your words, ideas, and insights. But now, it’s also your literal voice. Which encompasses the tone and tenor of your vocals, and how well you speak.
The fear level is likely at Defcon 3 with this kind of content. Listeners can now judge the “quality” of your voice and the syntax of your speech.
But listeners also move a step closer to “getting to know you.” The intimacy level ratchets up a notch with audio content.

Tier 3: Prerecorded Video Content

This includes videos on YouTube, Vimeo, and any other pre-recorded videos posted online or otherwise distributed.
Once again, your words, ideas, insights, and literal voice come into play. But now, you physical appearance, which includes how you look, dress, and the surroundings you place yourself in.
And boy have we just opened a uuuuuuuuuge can of worms many, many folks are incredibly uncomfortable with sharing publicly. The anxiety levels are undoubtedly peaking for many at the thought of posting and sharing videos of themselves online.
But just as with audio, video, and the view of your physical appearance it provides, adds another piece of the puzzle in the completion of your overall persona. With video, the connection and intimacy level between you and would-be clients increase that much more.

Tier 4: Live Streaming Video

This includes Facebook Live, Parascope, Webinars and the like. With pre-recorded video, you have the option to edit, or even sh*t-can entire videos if they don’t come across the way you hoped.
But with live video, there’s no editing, no second chances, and no sh*t-canning results you might feel are less than stellar.
All of this said, however, viewers are getting the real, unvarnished you live and direct. And the emotional weight of such appearances hold the power to make an indelible mark are your prospects’ perceptions of you.

Tier 5: Live Appearances

This actually covers a couple of formats… It could be exhibiting at a trade show, hosting a meetup, or *gulp*, delivering a keynote address.
Now, manning a booth at a trade show and hosting a meetup isn’t nearly as daunting as delivering a keynote. Public speaking to a sizeable group takes things a whole new level of terror.
But the connection opportunity of a live in the flesh appearance is second to none. This gives your prospects a chance to see the REAL you in a REAL LIVE setting. And it’s your best opportunity to complete the puzzle that makes up your persona. It’s also why great keynote speakers are able to convert hundreds of prospects from the stage.

Take Action

Where are you in the Content Marketing Hierarchy?
Whatever tier you’ve made it up to at this point, if you want to convert more and better quality leads, it’s time to take the next step!