Copywriting + Marketing Consulting For Professional Service Businesses

Why is “comfort food” so “comforting?”
Why do you have your “comfy pants” or “comfy shirt” or “comfy shoes?”
Why is “comfort” such a hot button when it comes to marketing everything from beds linens to entire houses?

Because we all crave comfort…

We seek familiarity. We pine for the effortless simplicity of the “known quantity.”
Largely because the fear of the “unknown” is a towering monolith…
It conjures an endless parade of “what ifs!?” And inbues an inescapably foreboding sense of dread.
All of which leads us to hang out in our respective “comfort zones.”
But here’s the thing about comfort zones, nothing much happens there…
Sure, your comfy couch awaits you. Netflix greets you with warm suggestions for just the right rom-com flick to while away you time. And your sweet little kittycat curls up on your lap for a good cuddle.
All of which sounds aaaaa-maz-ing! Don’t get me wrong.
But in these comfy confines, there’s no movement, no growth, no risk. It’s safe and sound, for sure. But stagnant all the same.
And stagnation is the prelude to death (both literal and figurative).

So, What’s All This Got to Do With Marketing?

In business, it’s very easy to fall into a rut. You put your head down, dig in, and charge through. And for efficiency’s and efficacy’s sake, you generally plot your course along the path of least resistance.
But before you know it, you’ve channeled your way into your own profession version of the “comfort zone.”
Meanwhile, The Comfort Zone + Business Growth are two diametrically opposed forces.
Because while it’s great you’re, in the words of Kobe Bryant: “doin’ work” — which is important, because your main job is doing the work of your business — what happens when you’ve plowed through everything on you plate, and there’s no second helping?
What happens when the “pipeline” (to borrow a popular sales term), has run dry?
Well, you’ve just “comfort-zoned” (not to turn an adjective into verb, but if the shoe fits…) yourself into ZERO business.

Which leads us to the toughest aspect of marketing…

Often times, you have to go out on a limb. You’ve gotta get out of your comfort zone. And do the things that scare you!
Kind of introverted? Time to Hit Your Local Industry Networking Event…
Listen, I feel you! I’m waaaaaaaaaaay more “comfy” behind a computer screen than out in the big bad world.
But a networking event is a great place to meet people, make contacts, and do a bit of the glad-handing necessary to develop new business.
Don’t have a blog? Time to Fire Up the Ole Laptop…
Worried you don’t have anything to say? Scared of the blank page? Not the greatest typist?
If you’re passionate about your industry, you’ve DEFINITELY got something to say! So say it. And the page won’t be blank anymore ;—) As for typing, hunt-and-peck two-finger keyboard work gets the job done, too!
Heard lots of great things about email marketing… But Don’t Know Where to Start?
From Aweber to Constant Contact to MailChimp and many more, there are countless email marketing tools (many of which are free!). And no shortage of How-To tutorials online (Dear Google, how do I use email marketing?).
So, like I said in my last post, just FIGURE IT OUT!
Keen to dip a toe into Social Media Marketing… But Feeling Apprehensive?
Dive in! And toot sweet. ‘Cause there’s no time like the present. And lots of businesses (just like yours) are KILLING it with their social media marketing efforts.

What’s Holding Your Back?

What’s that one “thing” (or things) you really wanna try, but can’t muster the gumption to JUST DO IT! And why not? Drop by my Google+ page and share your darkest fears — Muuuwahahahahah! But really, please do!