Copywriting + Marketing Consulting For Professional Service Businesses

Everybody loves a hero, right?

In fact, we’re so in love with heroes, we invented superheroes.
And those cats are big biz, with all the comic books, cartoons, TV shows, movies, and merchandise abound.
Meanwhile, superheroes are COMPLETELY unrealistic.
Now, you’re probably thinking: “Well DUH! They’re total imaginary fabrications!?”
And sure, superheroes are unrealistic, in part, because they’re fictional characters — figments of brilliantly creative minds.
But that’s not what I’m talking about.
Nope, I’m referring to the “why” behind our culture’s superhero worship.
In other words, why did we make superheroes up? What do their powers really enable them to do?
Amazing feats for sure! But what else?
Let’s look at from another angle. What do heroes do?
Rise to the occasion, despite the circumstances, and “save the day.”
But what if a “hero” fails?
Sure, a bystander in a desperate situation that dies in a rescue attempt is still lauded as a “hero.”
But that narrative doesn’t have quite the same alluring ring as the “hero” that makes the rescue and lives to tell the tale.
Which brings us to the question…

Why did we invent superheroes?

Their powers enable perfection. And as such, superheroes serve our egotistical human need for perfection.
Perfection, however, is impossible.
And REAL heroes aren’t perfect. They’re just regular folks that rise to the moment and do their best to help those in need.
So what does this have to do with marketing?
Well, these days we’re falling short of Marketing Heroes.
But you, in your business, can be a Marketing Hero.

Your Marketing Makes a Promise…

You promise to help your clients fulfill their needs and solve their problems, in the context of the services you provide, to the very best of your abilities.
And to be a hero to your clients, you simply need to fulfill your promises.
Now, this by NO MEANS suggests you’re perfect. No one and nothing is perfect.
Rather, your heroic goal is to strive for as flawless execution as possible.
While at the same time, owning up to your mistakes, and working tirelessly correct your missteps.
These are the ingredients that make a genuine Marketing Hero.

How Heroic is Your Biz?

Where have stepped up to not only meet but exceed your clients’ expectationsns? And where have you fallen short?
Swing by my Google+ page and share, we’re all ears!