Copywriting + Marketing Consulting For Professional Service Businesses

It’s inevitable, really.
In fact, it’s simply human nature.
And what “nature” do I speak of?
Falling into…

The Comparison Trap

Does this sound familiar?
When you look around at other professional service providers – from websites, email newsletters and social media pages to brochures and direct mail campaigns – their presentation is BEYOND polished, poised and professional.
And when you dig into their messaging, these polished and poised professionals are – killing it!
Of course, after ranking all this data into psyche, it’s impossible not to turn a critical eye on yourself and conclude…

“My business will NEVER appear that polished, poised and professional…”

And wonder, in forlorn agony…

“Why can’t I achieve that kind of financial success? How come I’m NOT killing it!?”

The Comparison Death Spiral

Sadly, once you turn that ever-angsty “critical eye” on yourself, it’s also inevitable that you start beating yourself up for all your perceived “faults” and “shortcomings.”
And then, unsurprisingly, you start talking yourself out of your chosen business altogether…

“What was I EVEN THINKING – I can’t do this!?”
I’ll never be like [insert competitor X, Y or Z business owner here]…
They BOTH have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay higher Google search ranking!
And four times – FOUR TIMES – as many Facebook + Twitter followers!
I’ll NEVER be able to complete…
I should just throw in the towel…
Give it up…
I’ll go back to school…
Get that Masters I always (claimed) I wanted…
Or, I know! I’ll FINALLY start that Alpaca farm I always (kinda, sorta, but not really) dreamed about.Yeah, I’ll move up north…and buy a farm…and sure…right…raise alpacas…”

Or something to this effect. Because we’ve all had our “alpaca farm” cop-out moment, right?
I have dubbed this all too familiar orgy of self-doubt the “Comparison Death Spiral.” It’s that moment when you are CONVINCED (usually by a sleepless night or two of INTENSE conversations, with yourself, in your own head…) you should just GIVE UP on your business.

But here’s the problem with this perspective…

You’re not the only [insert writer, musician, athlete, or business owner here] that’s…
== > Compared them self to a contemporary, competitor, rival, or even compatriot…
== > Realized they “didn’t measure up…”
== > Yet still managed to cultivate a highly successful career.
Maybe not to AS successful as the aforementioned contemporary, competitor, rival, or compatriot.
But that’s not the point. The point is…

Success In Your Industry (Nee ANY Industry) Is NOT a ZERO SUM GAME

There’s only ONE Stephen King. Yet Amazon is BURSTING with Bestselling Authors making LOTS of money.
There’s only ONE Yoyo Ma. But there are symphony orchestras across the globe featuring cellists making a good living performing and recording classical music.
There’s only ONE LeBron James. Never-the-less, there are 400 other players in the NBA making some SERIOUS coin playing basketball. And there are four times that many players making a good living playing pro basketball in Europe, Asia and Australia.
There’s only ONE Jeff Bezos. Meanwhile, every day new tech startups are launched that may never day rival the mighty Amazon, but will still compensate their founders handsomely.
In other words, achievement, growth and financial wins are not cut from a finite pie. You’re not doomed to make do with a tiny sliver of your competitors’ leftovers.
Rather, the pie’s infinite. And you can take as big a slice as you give yourself PERMISSION to carve out.
Which is why…

In Marketing, Comparison is Absolutely the WRONG Approach

Rather than looking at your competitors, and asking yourself…

“How can be like them?”

What you should be asking is…




The Key to Successful Marketing? It Begins With Your USP…
What’s unique about your business?
What makes it distinctively YOU?
The answers to those questions are the basis of your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). And your USP is EXACTLY where you should turn when you feel yourself slipping into the dreaded Comparison Trap.

Have You Fallen Into The Comparison Trap Lately?

We’ve all taken that tumble, right? If you currently languishing in your own private Comparison Trap, swing by my Google+ page for a personalized pep talk!