Copywriting + Marketing Consulting For Professional Service Businesses

If you’re like most business owners, you’re seeking to minimize ongoing responsibilities and reoccurring costs.
In other words, you’re forever struggling to eliminate as many repetitive, time-consuming, and cash-siphoning tasks as possible. And why not? Saving  time + cash sounds like a win-win, no?
But what tasks do you eliminate? What seemingly “dead wood” can your reasonable afford to cut out, and still effectively maintain your business?
It’s a lot like the quandary of chiropractic care. This might sound a little odd, but bear with me here…

The Value of Chiropractic Care

Some equate chiropractic treatment as a kind of voodoo witch-doctoring. Conversely, however, bushels and bushels of empirical evidence indicate correcting and maintaining the body’s natural alignment has a strong positive impact on overall human health.
But here’s the rub (no pun intended)…

The Downside of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic treatment philosophy varies GREATLY from traditional medicine (and is likely why this worthy therapeutic options gets unfairly tagged as Witch-doctoring).
Instead of treating individual ailments, illnesses and diseases, chiropractors treat the “whole person.” And this approach makes sense if you think about it… The body is a collection of interconnect systems. Illness is merely a symptom of one system (or several) being out of alignment, and negativity impacting the entire body.
As such, chiropractic care isn’t a… Catch a cold, have and ache or pain, or just “feel off,” and go to the doctor sort of treatment.
Chiropractic treatment is ongoing (and not inexpensive) therapeutic care, with regular (in some cases weekly) offices visits. And most chiropractic care, sadly, is NOT covered by traditional health insurance.
Whether or not you stay the course with chiropractic care boils down to commitment: Are you committed to the value and benefit chiropractic care offers?
Some are. And they reap the benefits. Others are not. And live, one way or another, with the consequences…

It’s a Lot Like Marketing…

Many a small business owner (perhaps you included?) treats business growth like a taking trip to the doctor to “cure” an aching knee.
The thing is, the knee isn’t the problem. It’s your posture and your back and a host of other systemic issues that are putting pressure on your knee and causing your pain. Yet invariably, the doctor simply prescribes some pain killers + anti-inflammatory, and sends you on your way with the sage advice: “take it easy.”
All too often, small business owners take the same approach. Business is down, so you lob a marketing grenade, and try to catch the “new business shrapnel” you hope results. Meanwhile, you ignore the larger problem of “keeping your pipeline full” so your business DOESN’T wane in the first place.
But that approach — ongoing marketing strategy + maintenance — requires a never ending investment of time, effort and money.
Again, just like with chiropractic care, it’s a question of commitment. You can certainly treat business growth and development as an ailment. Choke down some pills or slap on a band-aid only when absolutely necessary.
But you’re really just treating the symptoms, not curing the disease.

Is Your Business Ready For Some Chiropractic Care?

Now, I’m not saying chiropractic-marketing is the cure for what ails your business (well, I AM saying it’s MOST LIKELY the solution…).
But if I’ve piqued your interest here, it’s worth discussing further. Swing by my Google+ page and let’s chat – see your there!