Copywriting + Marketing Consulting For Professional Service Businesses

Oh my WORD…  We’re already half way through October! 
Know what that means, right? Yuhuh, not only is the 4th Quarter already upon us, it’s nearly a 1/3 over…
Eeek GADS! Where has the time GONE?!
And to make matters worse… not only has the whole year already flown by, but we’re now entering the dreaded Holiday S-l-o-w-d-o-w-n…

Welcome Holiday Slacksville

Halloween is just a couple of weeks away. Thanksgiving follows in less than a month. And Christmas + New Years arrive barely a month after that.
And as we all know, things get busy this time of year… Everywhere but in your business.
Fortunately, Holiday Slacksville DOESN’T have to wind up as precious time wasted…

Take Advantage of the Slowdown to Assess the State of Your Biz + Ratchet Up Your Marketing

So the approaching holiday season is cooling off your biz, huh? And the slowdown’s got you wonder where all the action went…
Well, rather pining for what you lost, use this time to:
== > Assess your overall progress for the year
== > Review your marketing projects
== > And take final steps to hit your 2016 growth targets.

Three Strategies To Leverage the Holiday Downturn

Needs some guidance to tackle the three bullet points above? Here are three strategies to facilitate your year in review and help you make a strong final push before the close of 2016…

1. Review Your Growth + Development Targets

I’ve blabbed time and again about eschewing goals in favor of developing habits. But of course we all have targets we’re aiming for…
== > Number of new clients we want to attract
== > Amount of repeat business we hope to generate
== > Gross revenue we’d like to earn
…And so on.
With business easing up as the holiday fervor descends, now is the perfect time to review and assess those targets:
== > Have you met or come close to your benchmarks, or are you on track to do so BEFORE the calendar year draws to a close?
== > If not, how far off are you? Can you make up the difference before year-end? And if it seems doable, how so? What action(s) is necessary to hit your targets?

2. How’s Your Marketing Habit?

“I’m Ryan, and I’m a marketing addict.” All jokes aside, and echoing my notes above, I’m a HUGE proponent of developing the “marketing habit.” It’s the most surefire method to ensure consistent growth and development.
So how’s your marketing habit shaping up? Have you…
== > Outlined specific marketing projects you want to tackle?
== > Carved out a set time in your schedule (ideally a daily appointment) to work on the above projects, and assess your progress?
== > Instituted accountability measures, with rewards and punishments for maintaining (or failing to maintain) the habit?
Take my word for it, this is a habit WORTH having. And the actions above are the best way to make it happen.


Commercial property investment impresario, Ben Reinberg, has built an empire with his Illinois based company, Alliance.
Reinberg success is thanks to a keen eye for productive properties, strong leadership, and an unfailing commitment to constant forward progress. And in regard to maintaining momentum, Reinberg strongly recommends “taking massive action” on daily basis. In fact, he only considers a day to be productive if he’s taken massive action before noon.
This might sound extreme, but it’s sound logic. Consistent “massive action” keeps you steadily moving toward your target achievements.
From a marketing perspective, the more consistently and aggressively you work your strategy and implement corresponding tactics, the closer you’ll move toward you client acquisition, repeat business and revenue targets.
And with the 2016 calendar year waning, NOW is definitely the time to take massive action – and finish STRONG!

Need Help Leveraging The Holiday Downturn in Your Favor?

Want to take advantage of holiday doldrums? Eager to improve your marketing, and set the stage for future business growth? But not sure where to start? Drop by my Google+ page and let’s chat. We’ll set you on a course toward TAKING MASSIVE ACTION!