Copywriting + Marketing Consulting For Professional Service Businesses


“Your attitude … determines your altitude.”

-Zig Zigler, bestselling author, renowned motivational speaker and famed salesman

Know what success DEMANDS?

The RIGHT mindset.
In fact, everything in life boils down to perspective (AKA mindset).
It’s a basic tenet of psychology. Regardless of your circumstances, it’s all a matter of how you look at your situation. If you expect to find doom and gloom, viola! It’s right there waiting for you. If it’s goodness and light you seek… So shall you find.

Mindset & Marketing

When it comes to the marketing game, establishing, and maintaining, the RIGHT mindset is waaaaaay more than half the proverbial battle. Truth be told, without the RIGHT mindset, your marketing efforts are destined to descend in flames.
But mindset can be tricky. How do you mold your thoughts and focus your energy in the right direction? Especially if that focus is toward something the feels foreign or icky (as marketing often does for many)?

5 Keys to Developing a Marketing Mindset

Unfortunately there is no “magic formula.” Developing a marketing mindset requires effort and work. But here are five strategies that can definitely give you a solid shove in the right direction…

1. Start With Strategy (The Horse BEFORE the Cart)

Far too many small business owners are consumed with the “shiny object” marketing syndrome. The latest tactics – from posting promo videos on YouTube video to Periscope live streaming to whatever the next “big thing” to come down the pike happens to be – are just so darn sexy.
Meanwhile before you know it, you’re spending all your time on consumed with these sexy tactics. And despite all your efforts, you haven’t reeled in a single client or earn one thin dime.
Developing a marketing mindset begins with defining a sound strategy. One informed by concrete and quantifiable business goals.
Strategy tells you how to use and make the most of whatever tactics you decide to employ. And tactics don’t come into play until your strategy is SOLIDIFIED.

2. Embrace Failure (Never Say DIE)

Any idea how many failed marketing gambits businesses large and small have executed? More than you or I or anyone else could ever hope to count.
But it not how well or how poorly a particular marketing campaign performs that measures genuine success. It’s the lessons you learn from both successes and failures, and how well you apply the next time around. Because it’s always the “next project” that really tests your mettle.

3. Develop & Maintain Discipline (Put in the WORK)

Imagine a champion bodybuilder. Initially he has the discipline to workout regularly, increase his workouts accordingly, eat properly, and get enough rest. But eventually such pursuits simply become second nature. A matter of habit.
The more disciplined you are with your marketing, the more habitual it becomes. And the more successful your marketing will be.

4. Get (and STAY) Organized

Marketing isn’t magic. There’s no mysterious alchemy at work. It’s a system. And when executed in an organized and consistent manner, it’s a system that reaps BIG rewards.
That means scheduling is KEY. Creating a monthly, weekly and even daily schedule for marketing activities and projects ensures your marketing campaigns stay on track, on schedule and productive.

5. Make Your Own Luck (Preparation + Opportunity)

Ever notice how some people in business ALWAYS make the big score? Somehow they’re ALWAYS in the right place at the right time?
How do they manage it? Are they just lucky? Truthfully, they make their own luck. They practice A-B-M – Always-Be-Marketing.
And you can do the same by…

  • Search Engine Optimizing your website
  • Completing your digital footprint and cultivating a strong social media presence
  • Developing email lists and physical mailing addresses strategically populated with strong prospects and quality clientele, and mailing to those lists regularly
  • Advertising and cultivating PR in industry critical publications and websites
  • Being active and present in industry critical professional organizations
  • Always look for connections and opportunities (because if you keep your eyes and mind open, they’re everywhere).

What About You?

How has your mindset affected your business? Has your attitude helped you make, or even miss, connections? Drop by my Google+ page and share your experiences.